Thoughts on grief, writing, and storytelling in health care.
Musings: a period of reflection or thought.
I am often in a state of reflecting on different things, contemplating, or simply daydreaming which I collectively think of as musings. As random thoughts come to me, I so often think, “I need to write that down!” Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours musing on different things, and after Haley died, grief and storytelling in health care became some of my more consuming thoughts. And from the time I learned to read, I’ve thought about being a writer, wondering what it would be like to actually do that, and I regret spending so much time thinking about it rather than getting down to the work of writing. I now have thoughts to share on being a writer, whether we are writing for ourselves or to share with others.
I hope you enjoy and maybe relate to my musings as I get them out of my head and into this space.
Thoughts on Grief
Loss is a universal human experience, and our natural response to loss is grief. Yet grief can feel so isolating and foreign, and I am compelled to make it less so by talking about it openly.